terburu-buru bertindak bahasa Inggris
- terburu-buru: haste; hasten; hasty; in a hurry; scurries; shake
- bertindak: act; acted; acting; behave; behaving; bestir;
- terburu-buru: haste; hasten; hasty; in a hurry; scurries; shake a leg; headlong; sprint; cheeky; precipitous; nervy; hie; cannonball along; brash; race; dash; rash; belt along; dart; speed; look sharp; jog; hotfo
- dengan terburu-buru: rashly; upon the spur of the moment; hastily; presumptuously; impetuously
- lari terburu-buru: cutting and runing; cutting and running
- lebih terburu-buru: hastier
- memutuskan terburu-buru: jump at a conclusion; jumped at a conclusion; jumping at a conclusion
- paling terburu-buru: hastiest
- melakukan sesuatu dengan terburu-buru: go off the deep end
- buru: "pursue, pursuit"; hunt; hunting; chase
- bertindak: act; acted; acting; behave; behaving; bestir; bestired; bestiring; call into play; called into play; calling into play; get action; geting action; go into action; got action; take measures; take ste
- buru-buru: rushed; harried; hurry; in a hurry
- terburu nafsu: go heels over head; go off a half cock; going heels over head; gone heels over head; gone off a half cock
- buru-buru menemui: rush into; rushed into; rushing into
- buru-buru naik cetak: rushed into print; rushing into print
- Watch the signals and don't act rashly
Tunggu tanda... Jangan terburu-buru bertindak. - Therefore Escalate not, lest ye be Escalated."
Hal itu tidak dapat dibantah, karena itu hendaklah kamu tenang dan janganlah terburu-buru bertindak. - And I need to make sure that you don't speed through the whole thing in such a way that nobody understands exactly what you're saying.
Dan aku perlu untuk memastikan bahwa kamu terburu-buru bertindak sedemikian rupa sehingga tak seorang pun memahami persis apa yang kamu katakan.